Saturday, 1 December 2012

30 Nov 12 - Into The Woods

I was joined by three of my fellow sisters, Lady Regalia Chatterly, Lady Sandy, & Lady Lowsborough-Goodby for an evening of entertainment; Into the Woods presented by the Arcadians Theatre Group; at the Miner’s Lamp Corrimal

This is a 1986 Stephen Sondheim/James Lapine show about some fairy tale characters coming together to learn lessons.  It is about what “we wish for.” and how wishing is not enough.  One must work hard in life to get what we wish for.  Nobody gets anything for free.

Act one and the first few scenes sets up the characters; the childless baker and his wife, the witless Jack (played John Reynolds), the hapless Cinderella (played by Belinda Balhatchet) and the plucky but clueless Little Red Riding Hood (played by Emily Thompson). All are unhappy with the life they have and all are “wishing for something better”.  To get what they wish for, each has to embark on a scary but exciting trip to get what they need………..usually from each other.

The musical required our full attention, especially for the rapid fire rhymes of the Witch played by Jessica Garrawa.  She was a vision of grey and dirt but not very crone like; in fact I thought she was more like an old tree, with fingers that resemble the finer branches spreading out from one of the main limbs.  Her costume was the most inspired – designed by Ros Whittaker.

Jenifer Bond, as the – sharp-witted Baker’s wife – bent on reversing the Witch’s curse that rendered her husband (played by Rik McCann) infertile – has a lovely voice, and her wide eyed appeal just  radiated out to the audience  The baker and spouse are the most grounded characters even though the Baker struggles with sticking to his goals. However with the support of his wife and the mysterious man, aka the Baker’s father (played by Michael Bond,) he wins through.

Act One has the typically fairy tale ending -“living happily ever after”.  It was at this point that I thought the show had finished and was pleasantly surprised to hear that this was just the intermission.  But then I was left wondering what could possibly happen in Act two

Act two – once again it starts off with everyone wishing for something better.  Hmmmm!  a bit like real life.  Even though the characters have everything they wished for they are still unhappy.  Cinderella’s prince (played by Jack Dawson) is playing around behind her back.  His brother (played by Rory Chatterton) is in an unhappy relationship with Rapunzel (played by Olivia Boyd-Skinner) and is enraptured with Snow White (played by young Keicie Oatrs) – his only obstacle to happiness with Snow White is those pesky seven dwarfs.  Jack is bored with his rich life and wants adventure. The baker and his wife are tired with the babies crying and she wants a bigger house.  The witch, now changed back to a beautiful lady wants company and the love of her daughter, Rapunzel who she has banished to the desert.  CONFUSED!!!

This act also brings a giant – cleverly achieved via effects and a disembodied voice. In the first Act everyone got what they wanted without working together.  In this Act they all focus on needing to kill the Giant and to do this they must work together.  Not everyone survives and relationships change.  I am left feeling that even this “happy ending” is only temporary and so the story will go on and on.

This was a very enjoyable musical, with a difference.  On leaving the theatre we exchanged opinions on what we thought of the musical.  Our entire group like it but some people we met were not impressed with the evening show.

Thursday, 22 November 2012

Kiama Birthday Picnic Day

Last Sunday, 18th November 2012, the CHUM's had a picnic day at Kiama. Decked out in our finery of mainly purple and a few red/ purple hair attire, Lady Bean very kindly drove Lady Lowesborough-Goodby, Lady Butterfly, Lady Sandy and myself in her wonderful SUV arriving safely around 9.30 am. We decided to park the car up near the Blowhole and walk down to the Market day stalls that happen to be on around the harbour area. We did NOT want all the best goods to be bought by anyone else first. After Lady Butterfly organised her banking needs we set off in search of some bargains. Lady Lowesborough-Goodby and I seemed to move a little slower than the rest and got well and truly left behind but we didnt mind. We were very closely checking all the stalls and their wonderful goods out. After buying some great items I had to then attend to banking needs of which took a quite a bit longer as the crowds all decided their banking needs were in demand as well. Anyway, with the stallholder holding on to my much needed new handbags I was able to actually produce some coinage for him. Oh what bargains were to be had !! But then as us 2 started on our way again, a phone call came from Lady Butterfly to say that we needed to head back to the car for our picnic. What ?? Already ?? Seems like we had only just started but in actual fact it had been over 1 1/2 hrs since we had arrived. I guess only getting 1/3 of the way along will give Lady Lowesborough-Goodby and I a very good excuse to go back again, lol. I didnt realise how slow we were until Lady Butterfly and Lady Sandy met up with us and said they had been all the way along. Meanwhile Lady Bean was already back at the car unpacking the picnic table, chairs and food. After sitting back and eating chicken and salad rolls with various teas, Lady Bean opened up her container showing her glorious home made cupcakes with chocolate butter icing. Oh, were our mouths watering for these and another cuppa to go with them. It was a beautiful relaxing afternoon. This was Lady Butterfly's request for her birthday outing and what a great request it turned out to be. Of course we all had to sing Happy Birthday to Lady Butterfly, along with For She's a Jolly Good Fellow and Why Was She Born So Beautiful and thank goodness Lady Lowesborough-Goodby finally gave up all the birthday songs, lol. I think she likes to show off her great singing voice. Sadly Lady MacMuck was unable to attend, especially being her birthday this week as well but due to an injury she had to relax at home on the lounge. So we decided to include her in the day by us all rolling up at her front door with the remaining cupcakes and yet another cup of tea. Her special man Adamis very kindly attended to us all with the teamaking and serving. After much chatting, laughing and a game of pass the parcel we all headed off home with full tummies and smiles on our faces. Here is the photo to prove the fun we CHUM's always have.
Lady Regalia Chatterby.

Tell Me On A Sunday

On Sunday 11th November 2012 some of our CHUM's ladies went to the musical " Tell Me On A Sunday " at The Phoenix Theatre, Coniston. Music is by Andrew Lloyd Webber and lyrics by Don Black. This musical is basically a one woman play with Charmaine Gibbs as the 'woman'. After a broken relatonship the 'woman' flies to New York for a change of life from England. She searches for love and having a vibrant career in the big apple. This poor woman goes from true love to depression of the once again failed relaionship numerous times. With start of a new love, aka 'the one', she emails her Mum in England and then emails again after each breakup of 'the one'. To cut an hour and a half show short, the woman ends up flying off home to England, no doubt for more disappointing men to add to her life experiences. Charmaine is a brilliant singer and actor who portrayed her highs of a new love and the disappointment of rejection well. The band made up 8 men and women were wonderful and it was delightful to listen to. The time actually past very quickly. Lady Lowesborough-Goodby and I arrived a little late for a before the show refreshing cuppa and chat on the lounge with Lady Pankhurst, who I might add did arrive early before anyone else, Lady Sandy and Lady Marg. So I entered the very full theatre to the very comfy red chairs with my takeaway cup of English Breakfast Tea which was delightful with my strawberries & cream and musk lifesavers. We all thoroughly enjoyed the Sunday afternoon's entertainment and finished the day with some chatting ( and perhaps a little gossip as well ). On to the next event please ...... Lady Regalia Chatterby.

Monday, 12 November 2012

Caramel Afternoon Tea

On 9th November several of the ladies met to enjoy what was described as a 'Caramel Afternoon Tea'.  Lady Butterfly, Mrs. Bean, Lady Chatterby, Lady Pankhurst and Lady Lowsborough-Goodby all gathered in the palatial home of Lady Lowsborough-Goodby, in the al fresco area, to partake of tea, with several different caramel delights to accompany the beverage.
The steady chatter, and the tinkle of feminine laughter was, I am sure, heard from half a kilometre away.Lady Lowsborough-Goodby bemoaned the fact that she needed a man, ( It is so hard to get good staff lately)
It was wonderful to see the arrival of Lady MacMuck, accompanied by her beloved manservant, Adamis, later on in the afternoon. Lady MacMuck has been battling a sore and poisoned foot, and it was thought that she may not make it to the gathering. Thankfully she is now on the road to recovery.Lady Butterfly supplied us with her divine caramel slice from her kitchen, and it didn't last for long.
As the afternoon wore on, several of the ladies went home, and Lady Butterfly, Lady Chatterby and Lady Lowsborough-Goodby settled down to sip tea, and eat delicate chip butties with tomato sauce, and watch the sunset. All in all, it was a rather jolly afternoon, and once the holiday festivities are over, it is hoped that it can be repeated quite soon.

Saturday, 27 October 2012

Garden Party

The dark gloomy sky clearly contrasted  the atmosphere at our inaugural garden party.  Everyone arrived in their finery and red hats, fit for lunch with royalty.  As we settled down for lunch under the gazebo by the pond, the little Jack Russells circled us waiting for some yummy morsels to hit the ground.  Who could blame them?  Following the avocado Mexican dip, we devoured red salmon and cucumber, and toasted almond and chicken sandwiches, accompanied by a refreshing summer fruit platter.  Mini quiches were also on the menu…and what’s an Aussie garden party without mini meat pies and sausage rolls?  The chilled mint and lime water cleansed our pallets in preparation for the scones, blackberry jam and double cream.  By this time, you would think there was little room left for anything else, but we managed to cram in some chocolate caramel slice and smooth Belgian chocolates followed by a selection of hot tea.  We had a carefree afternoon enjoying each other’s company and humour.  Bursts of loud laughter penetrated the gloomy sky and boisterous animated conversations echoed through the neighbouring suburban gardens.  Our high spirits even paled the neighbour’s lawn mowing attempts into insignificance.  Our high spirits came naturally – no alcohol involved, just lots of sugar.  Who needs it anyway, especially when Delia is keeping us entertained.  Hopefully we can all do it again sooner rather than later.

Photos courtesy of Lady Regalia Chatterby:

Garden Party song
My version; inspiration and words borrowed from Ricky Nelson’s Garden Party lyrics - see video link at end of lyrics.

I went to a garden party, reminisced with my new friends 
A chance to share some memories and eat some food again 
When I got to the garden party they all knew my name 
But no one recognized me cause I didn’t wear purple again 

But it's all right now 
I learned my lesson well 
You see you can't please ev'ryone so 
You got to please yourself 
People came from miles around, Mrs Bean and Lady M.L were there 
Lady Regalia Chatterby brought her bag of tricks there was magic in the air 
And over in the corner much to my surprise 
Lady S.M wore her new red hat with a sparkle in her eyes.

Chorus la da da da 

I served them lots of food I thought that's why they came 
No one left a scrap , we didn't look the same 
I said hello to Mary Lou, she sounds foreign to me 
After serving more sweet calories, it was time for tea

Chorus la da da da 

Someone opened up the garden gate and out stepped Lady Lowsborough-Goodby B. Goode 
Sharing jokes and laughing out loud, just like she should 
If you gotta go to garden parties I wish you a lot a' luck 
But if memories were all we made then that’s enough for us. 

Chorus la da da da  
Repeat chorus

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

ART Lady Lowsborough-Goodby and I went to the play ART at the Phoenix Theatre, Coniston last Saturday afternoon. We were only 2 of 6 that attended that session. I hope their other sessions had a much better attendance as this play was wonderful. There were only 3 male characters who were brilliant in their dialogue. We were very impressed by the performance involving 3 friends and a piece of Artwork of white lines on a white background costing 200.000 francs. One of the friends hates the piece of Art and makes no attempt at hiding his opinion of “its shit”. The other friend saying he likes it. They all have spotlighted moments of their opinions of the other 2 friends at various times throughout the performance. It was both funny and serious as the 3 friends argue and then make up again. How they all remembered their lines without a moments hesitation as if they were just having normal conversations is beyond my abilities I’m sure, lol. Lady Lowsborough-Goodby and I enjoyed a cuppa and biscuits on the lounge prior to the performance in our red fascinators and purple/red outfits and were pleased to see 2 women walk in dressed in red as well. Another great afternoon. Lady Regalia Chattersby.

Monday, 22 October 2012

Act 1: Scene 1: The Prince Ziegfried’s coming of age party is held in the garden of the castle with his family and friends. The court jester is the favourite and is in the limelight of attention. The Prince is given a medallion as a symbol of maturity and a crossbow as a symbol of a warrior by his mother, the Queen. The happy Prince is dancing with his friends and courtiers. As it gets dark the Prince is left alone with his dreams and his friends and the court jester arrive to take him hunting. Scene 2: A flock of swans are swimming in the evening mist on the lake. The Prince watches the swans turn into young girls. The evil magician Rotbart had cast a spell on Odette, the Queen of the swans and her friends and turned them into swans. The spell can only be broken by a young man who has never pledged his love to another girl before falls in love with her. Prince Ziegfried gives her a vow of eternal love and fidelity. Act 2: Scene 1: A big gala ball is being held at the castle by the Queen. Prince Ziegfried is to choose himself a fiancée. After dancing with young girls he can’t choose but when a mysterious knight appears with a beautiful girl, the Prince gives a vow of eternal love to her. A white swan appears and throws herself at the window. The Prince is in despair and runs away from the castle. Scene 2: At night back at the lake Odette returns and tells the other swans of the betrayal of the prince. The evil magician has triumphed. The Prince appears and fights the magician . True and selfless love breaks the evil charms. Evil is defeated and all powerful love wins. As dawn breaks the swans turn into girls and with the Prince and Odette they set out on the road towards a new life.
In all our finery (and a few red hats etc)Lady Lowsborough-Goodby,Lady MacMuck,Lady S.M,Lady Butterfly,Lady D.DV,Lady K.R and I went to the Illawarra Performing Arts Centre to see Swan Lake Ballet by the Russian National Ballet Theatre. In fact there were some very well dressed Illawarrans there to watch this ballet. We had a cuppa,wine and some munchies before we entered the theatre to take our seats. We were not disappointed by the beautiful girls and legging wearing guys performing this wonderful ballet. The ballet dancing, outfits and the settings were just spectacular with the music setting the scene. This was my first ballet and would love to see more. Some ladies seated in front of us nicely lent us some pamphlets on future ballets and other performances so we could be very busy in the future. Lady R.C.

Friday, 5 October 2012

Art & Craft, Dapto

Today’s adventure for our little band of Red Hatters (RH) was a jaunt to some craft stalls at St Luke’s Church.  The band of RH consisted of Cheryle, Delia, Marianne and I armed with empty bags to ensure that we could load up with the bargains.

The first stop was the cake stall – we had to get in before all the lovely goodies disappeared and then we browsed around the other stalls.  The favourite stall, after the cake stall of course, was the Op Shop Stall.  Here we picked up a few things and had a good old bleather with our fellow browsers.

There was an excellent display of quilts made by the local church ladies.  There were all designed and sewn by then and you could tell each quilt was made with heaps of love and care.  The designs varied from the traditional to the modern.  The ladies had also made heaps of little knick-knacks that just screamed, “Buy me!!”  Needless to say we obliged.

After the initial shopping rush we stopped for a cuppa and some wedges.  The wedges were just to die for; crispy on the outside and soft and fluffy on the inside……yummmmm!!

After our lunch we sauntered over to the handmade card stall and each of us (with the exception of Delia) made a card in their workshop.  But we got more from the workshop that just making some cards.  Marianne discovered that she could join the quilters and is coming back during the week to join that club and to make a lovely Noah’s Ark quilt.  I shall be joining the fortnightly card making class that is run by Allison.  And we discovered that Allison’s parents run a Scottish Country Dance group in Wollongong.  So once we have more details this might be something that some of us will take up.

All in all it was an exceptional day in which we shared our love for laughter and fun with each other and those we had met during our day.  The more we go out and network the more we find to do and meet others with a similar drive to live their lives to the full.

Thursday, 20 September 2012

Calendar Girls by Tim Firth

Although The Roo Theatre is a fairly small and compact theatre it was not a full house for this evening’s performance. The audience consisted of mostly middle aged women dressed in their best. And our small group got lots of lovely comments about our red hats and being told how much we were admired for the things that we do. The more we go out the more we find that people seem to open up and chat when they see us sporting our red hats. And we ladies get lots of chances to network …….and all because of a simple red hat. Life is grand!!!

Any back to telling you about Calendar Girls – Most of the action is located within a village hall. There is an amateur dramatic feel to the staging that works well with this play. The plot is about real events; the making of a nude calendar by members of a Yorkshire Women’s Institute (WI) who after reeling from the loss of one of their peers husbands, band together to shoot a nude calendar to raise funds for a small memorial (a sofa for the cancer ward’s waiting room). However in doing this they not only raise the required money but capture the attention of the world’s press and get more than they bargained for.

The ladies in the WI are a group of women - bored, retired, frustrated, and searching - who are bonded by their dislike for their snobby chairwoman. Without spoiling it too much for those that have not seen it, it really is a testament to the confidence of the performers, and the competence of the staging and direction that nothing is actually revealed, and the emotional reaction from the characters is nothing but infectious, with laughter and applause ringing around the theatre as they strike a tastefully nude pose for the slightly embarrassed photographer.

The message however remains clear and present throughout, and the strong sense of community between the characters, the moral of the story, the supportive nature of women and their capacity to love, really did hit home.

All in all, it was a terrific performance where no one performer eclipses another. The girls refer to themselves as “women of a certain age”, and that really was the target audience this evening. While everyone in The Roo Theatre seemed to enjoy themselves, it was the “women of a certain age” and us Red Hatters that really got into the performance, and maybe were more able to read into the nuances in the play that would go over the heads of a younger theatre goer or some of the men in the audience.

It was a good night but as one of my fellow Red Hatters said, “I still preferred Pippin”. And I would have to agree with that and we both suspect it was because Pippin was a musical and nothing to do with young men in tights.

Thursday, 13 September 2012

Low Pay? Don't Pay

“Low  Pay? Don’t Pay!” - Written by Dario Fo – was originally set in Italy at a time of social upheaval.  However this production was translated to reflect the current social and political life of the workers in Wollongong.  Workers were striking in a bid to win better wages and women wouldn't accept that they were inferior.  This production takes Fo's writing and embellishes it with slap stick (reminded us girls of John Cleese and the Ministry Funny Walks) which is at times daft but never degenerates into the surreal.  Stage managers are brought into the action to get extra laughs by clever use of props.
As part of the civil unrest, people refused to pay spiralling prices for electricity and consumer goods. In fact they insisted on paying only what they considered to be a fair price for essential items - or nothing at all. Shoplifting and theft became rife.
Low Pay? Don’t Pay!traces the story of Antonia and Margherita as they join the crowds of people taking groceries from a supermarket without paying.  It follows their hilarious attempts to disguise their ill-gotten gains from their hot-headed moralist husbands, Giovannin and Luigi – not to mention the police - by resorting to more and more inventive hiding places.  Finally they take to hiding them under their coats and pretending to be pregnant. The audience was in uproar when Antonia’ announced she had a wet butt but it wasn’t her waters that had broken, it was a bag of olives!
The twist to the play see the husbands fall from their high moral position as they discover they have been made redundant  and they secure some goods that just happen to have fallen off the back of a lorry. 
 The play had a slow start with sections where there was no laughs as time was taken to explain the social conditions.  The result was that “Low Pay? Don’t Pay” was an amusing entertaining evening rather jaw-achingly funny one. 
All the jaw-achingly funny stuff took place outside of the theatre; while the ladies in the back seat of Vanessa’s car struggled to get the seat belts on without strangling themselves.  It was a great evening; great company and excellent value for money.  

Friday, 31 August 2012

Risque Bizniz - 31st Aug 12

Today has been a day of differences, for one it started with coffee with the Minister followed by an evening’s entertainment with old fashioned “Burlesque”. Ahh!!! Burlesque…….. I hear you all think, what is that. Well, let me tell you it was not what we three Red Hatters thought it would be; “A dramatic or musical work intended to cause laughter by caricaturing the manner or spirit of serious works. Or a kind of variety show with gentlemen dressed as ladies with elaborate costumes designed to show off a feminine figure while singing songs with lots on innuendo, as often seen on the European Cabaret Acts”. But I digress…….

We got to the theatre early so that we could have a cuppa before the start of the show. Cheryle insisted we sit on the couches rather than at the coffee tables. So we did and drank our tea while discussing our day and people watching. We noticed that people here all seem to have brought their own drink and nibbles and were all making themselves comfy. It was only than that we realized that the show would not be held in the theatre but on the small stage in front of the coffee tables.

The stage had a piano with candelabra on it – we started to think that the show would be a cabaret act with the singers coming down from the stage to sing amount the audience, and of course with German accents!! Just like in all the best movies. We were also told on our arrival that tonight’s performance would be a very informal affair. So, we Red Hatters went with the flow and every so often we would glimpse some of the young actors coming through from backstage to meet their friends etc.

All of the actors were sporting red outfits and being red hatters we discussed the various merits of these. There was a wide selection of boas, hats of many descriptions, flowers to wear in your hair or hat and the odd risqué outfit discreetly covered by a coat, but offering us just enough of a glimpse to get us either admiring it but wishing we were younger or had the figure to do the outfit justice. The main thing all the outfits had in common, apart from the colour red, was that they seemed a bit skimpy but in keeping with our thoughts on what would be needed to perform “Burlesque.”

All too soon the place started to fill up and we shared our little corner with a couple of young men, who might I add were very impressed with our red outfits. We of course explained that we were Red Hatters and how as we grow older we just want to have fun. In hindsight it may not have been the best way to describe ourselves……….but thankfully no harm was done and the young lads accepted us a bunch of eccentric ladies.

The lights finally dimmed and the Master of Ceremonies came on stage with Madam Tickler. His face covered in white face paint. In fact he looked a bit like the joker from the Batman films.  And Madam Tickler was dressed a bit like a French Maid from the Hello Hello series. He told a few jokes, in a German accent, before introducing the first act. A young lady dressed in a cream “Charleston outfit”

The music started to play and she mimicked singing along to a song while performing her version of the Charleston. Her version for some reason involved her slowly removing her long gloves and flinging them into the audience and every so often she would drop the shoulder strap of her outfit – just teasing the audience and then shaking her index finger from side to side - in a” No No” fashion - as if to say we were very naughty. But before you know it the young lady had removed her dress and we three red hatters were left sitting speechless, for the first time that evening. And I kept thinking about what we had said to the young lads about wanting to have fun…………..and hoping they did not take it the wrong way.

It seems that Burlesque is a form of striptease where the ladies strip down to their underwear and finally take off their bra as they turn to face the audience in the last few seconds before they exit stage left/right to much applause. After the initial shock we sat back and enjoyed the show. It was very well choreographed and the ladies teased the audience with their routines before giving them a brief glimpse of their “titties” ( a word much used by the Master of Ceremonies).

The audience; a mixture of young and old as well as ladies and gentlemen  - all showed these brave souls the greatest of respect. All in all it was a great evening full of risque fun and laughter.  At the end of the evening we were informed that the Burlesque troupe would be recruiting on the Monday and if anyone would like to join the troupe they would be made very welcome

We Red Hatters gave it a moment’s thought - well more like a nanosecond - and decided not to take advantage of this wonderful opportunity. Now as I write this I wonder how Delia will explain to the Minister how the rest of her day went when she sees him on Sunday.

Saturday, 25 August 2012

Berkeley Walk.

Hi all,
Well this morning for us CHUM's a Berkeley walk along the Lake was planned with chips and rolls for lunch but even though nobody invited the wind, it obviously decided to come, so we decided not to.

Instead Delia, Mary, Vanessa and I went to Jean's place ( that Jean kindly invited us to instead ) for a beautiful lunch and lots of the usual chatter and laughs.

Plus discussions about Christmas and next years weekend away.
It's never too early to work out future good times is it !

Our host Jean with the after lunch goodies

A happy CHUM's member with her cuppa
Mmmm....this is sounding about the same as every event we have....chatting and laughing which is good for the soul anyway.

Prior to Jean's place Delia, Mary and I ( in our red and purple clothing with new hats on ) went to Wollongong Harbour to take photos of the huge 3 mtr swell and as it was around high tide time, we were ready for some great Camera Club Merit Award style photos.

Dry cement paths and rocks

A beautiful sunny day with blue sky and wisps of white cloud

The supervisor and the camera student

But sadly, once again Mother Nature stepped in, obviously annoyed about us not inviting her to Berkeley, decided the sea should be flat and the rocks and cement paths stay dry.

The supervisor with the camera tutor

But it was a beautiful sunny sky and Mary kindly showed me (again I might add!!) how I "should" use my camera.

After the harbour we were definitely ready for lunch and a cuppa.

As the photos show we enjoyed ourselves and had some lovely delights on the plate to eat.
Although the strawberries bowl does seem a little empty. Never mid Bob, hopefully Jean hid a few away for you.

Jean's dogs were adoreable and showed off their 'fetching the ball' and 'stalking' skills.
Both girls get tops marks for their chosen field of expertise.

The CHUM's ladies
 Too soon it was time to go but thankyou Jean for giving us a wind free venue and to all of you for a great day out for us CHUM's.

See you all soon,

Thursday, 23 August 2012

Train Museum

Hi all
I checked out the Train Museum site at Thirlmere. The 50 min steam train ride looks ok.
Here is the website.Costs look reasonable. Perhaps after the school christmas holidays but the train ride is only on a Sunday anyway.


Saturday, 11 August 2012

The Odd Couple

The Odd Couple - one true masterpiece beloved for generations throughout the 20th century, and
with good reason.   It has been made into a film starring the indelible duo of Walter Matthau and Jack Lemmon. 

Its dialogue is sharp with well-paced one-liners and all this is tied together with the constant conflict and resolution between the Felix and Oscar.  The plot is tied together by weekly poker games held in Oscar’ home where a bunch of middle aged men gather to escape their wives and home life.  And to sup a few beers, make a mess without being nagged as Oscar pays for a cleaner to clean up after the game.

One night, Felix is late, which is so unlike him. Everyone has some idea as to what might have happened, but a phone call to Felix’s wife reveals that he’s actually M.I.A. and has already threatened suicide via telegram after they have agreed to separate.  “He didn’t want to do it at home because the kids were sleeping.”

Oscar takes in Felix and they both carry on with their lives, very much in the same vein as they did when they were married.  Felix is so considerate, neat and frugal that it is grating and just gets in the way of Oscar’s attempt to have a good time and help Felix to move on.  

All the time this is happening their poker buddies are envious of them, as on the surface it appears that they are living the kind of lives that they wish they could have; one of freedom to do what they want  etc.  But in reality both Oscar and Felix, in their own ways, want to be closer to their wife and kids.  I guess this is the preverbal case of the grass is always greener.

The play was well presented and the one liners that the Odd couple is noted for, flew out  - one after the other.  The audience along with us Red Hatters did a fair bit of chuckling.  This was an exceptional evening and one that offered great value for money. 

After the evening's performance was over, we three dragged ourselves home making promises to see some of the other plays that they have on offer at this theater and other in NSW.

Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Gerringong Weekend Photos

Gerroa lunch...chips & bread

Gerroa bridge

Gerroa lunch....must be cold Sandra

Jewellery making......all eyes & ears on Delia

Delia's earring

Working away

Mary's earring

Sandra's earring

Fun making cards or funny cards. Hmm ??

Gerroa walk bridge

TV demonstrator Delia.....sold any yet ?

Culture all the way, Vanessa......our CHUMs
                                                                   (sorry but I had to play with one of these photos !! )

Sunrise in Gerringong

Lucky 7

Mary displaying a pupil's card

Mary fascinator  

Proud teacher Mary watching Sandra hold her newly made card for show & tell. 

Relaxing & enjoying ourselves 

Carinya Cottage

Monday, 6 August 2012

Gerringong Weekend

Thankyou to everyone for a great weekend !!
Thank God we all met in the first place through book club.
Between the games, crafts, shopping, chatting and laughing.........we couldnt have asked for more.
Mary, thanks for the chauffeuring and cooking a beautiful dinner.Oops and teaching us cardmaking. They turned out really pretty.
Vanessa, your caramal slice is to die for......please can I have some more !!
Delia, you are just so funny to be with. You really perk me up.
Sandra, your stories of life were just amazing. I can relate to that experience with your special secret event in your life, lol. Not that I can remember what game that came out in, lol.
Yes, some very interesting stories were confessed down there. But 'shhhh', I know, I know 'whats said in Carinya stays in Carinya'. 
The weather was good to us. Gerringong and Gerroa are such beautiful places.
Carinya Cottage is a such a great place for groups with rooms and beds everywhere.
One of the CHUMs kept saying "where is my room ? " lol.
I know Id like to return with perhaps an extra night !! Especially when the Berry or Gerringong markets are on, as I do like a bit of shopping. Perhaps even looking further a field than red and purple next time, lol. 
Anyway my chatting had better shutup now. See you at the next event or Book Club.
Photos to follow.
P.S. Sandra, have a great time overseas and perhaps an occasional internet update of your travels.
Hugs, Cheryle.

Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Swan Lake

For those of us who are going to Swan Lake.
Im sure we will not get to see this at the performance.
Beautiful and amazing.

Tap Dogs

Is anyone interested in seeing Tap Dogs at WIN Entertainment Centre.

Its on 24/25th Aug. Prices start from $59. Thats the seating I would go for.
Im sure it will be a great show.

Sunday, 29 July 2012

Bring Back My Mother!

I found this on "The Liver Birds" site. I think this is going to describe us well, lol.
Now some food for thought .................. "nicknames" ... to be or not to be !?!
There are some interesting ones out there, that Ive seen.
Bring back my mother!
Air: My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean
I've been a good son to my mother
To me she has been a good Mum
But since she has joined that Society
Oh, listen to what she's become.

Chorus: Bring back, bring back, oh bring back my mother to me, to me
              Bring back, bring back, oh bring back my mother to me!

She used to wear beige woolly cardies
And spend her life caring for me
But now she goes prinked out in purple
In giggling great gangs to take take.

Chorus ...
She used to have one hat in navy
But now she's got dozens in red
She's got crimson and scarlet and ruby
And my train set's been moved to the shed.

Chorus ...
She used to spend hours doing housework
Her tea-towels arranged in neat rows
But now she wears fluffy red boas
And leaves feathers wherever she goes.

Chorus ...
She used to like watching Eastenders
Sometimes for excitement she'd knit
But now she runs sticks along railings
And I think she is learning to spit.

Chorus ...
She used to be happy at ChristmasWith an iron, or a nice of pans
But now she wants sparkly tiaras
And twenty-two rings for each hand.

Chorus ...
Her friends were called Brenda and HildaAnd Barbara, Betty and Joan
But now we get Zsa Zsa and Twinkle
And Baroness Bling on the phone.

Chorus ...
She used to wear sensible brassieres
Her knickers were baggy and grey
Now her bras are of lace and red satin
And I hope it's not true what they say! (Gasp!)

Chorus ...
Well, if you can't beat them, then join them
You might as well follow the crowd
But when I turned up at the tea-shop
They all shouted "NO BOYS ARE ALLOWED!

(c) Jenny Howard 2006

Lady Jingle Bells Jenny Howard

Members of the Red Hat Society are welcome to reproduce this for non-profit purposes without further permission. 
Please include this note if you do.