Thursday 22 November 2012

Kiama Birthday Picnic Day

Last Sunday, 18th November 2012, the CHUM's had a picnic day at Kiama. Decked out in our finery of mainly purple and a few red/ purple hair attire, Lady Bean very kindly drove Lady Lowesborough-Goodby, Lady Butterfly, Lady Sandy and myself in her wonderful SUV arriving safely around 9.30 am. We decided to park the car up near the Blowhole and walk down to the Market day stalls that happen to be on around the harbour area. We did NOT want all the best goods to be bought by anyone else first. After Lady Butterfly organised her banking needs we set off in search of some bargains. Lady Lowesborough-Goodby and I seemed to move a little slower than the rest and got well and truly left behind but we didnt mind. We were very closely checking all the stalls and their wonderful goods out. After buying some great items I had to then attend to banking needs of which took a quite a bit longer as the crowds all decided their banking needs were in demand as well. Anyway, with the stallholder holding on to my much needed new handbags I was able to actually produce some coinage for him. Oh what bargains were to be had !! But then as us 2 started on our way again, a phone call came from Lady Butterfly to say that we needed to head back to the car for our picnic. What ?? Already ?? Seems like we had only just started but in actual fact it had been over 1 1/2 hrs since we had arrived. I guess only getting 1/3 of the way along will give Lady Lowesborough-Goodby and I a very good excuse to go back again, lol. I didnt realise how slow we were until Lady Butterfly and Lady Sandy met up with us and said they had been all the way along. Meanwhile Lady Bean was already back at the car unpacking the picnic table, chairs and food. After sitting back and eating chicken and salad rolls with various teas, Lady Bean opened up her container showing her glorious home made cupcakes with chocolate butter icing. Oh, were our mouths watering for these and another cuppa to go with them. It was a beautiful relaxing afternoon. This was Lady Butterfly's request for her birthday outing and what a great request it turned out to be. Of course we all had to sing Happy Birthday to Lady Butterfly, along with For She's a Jolly Good Fellow and Why Was She Born So Beautiful and thank goodness Lady Lowesborough-Goodby finally gave up all the birthday songs, lol. I think she likes to show off her great singing voice. Sadly Lady MacMuck was unable to attend, especially being her birthday this week as well but due to an injury she had to relax at home on the lounge. So we decided to include her in the day by us all rolling up at her front door with the remaining cupcakes and yet another cup of tea. Her special man Adamis very kindly attended to us all with the teamaking and serving. After much chatting, laughing and a game of pass the parcel we all headed off home with full tummies and smiles on our faces. Here is the photo to prove the fun we CHUM's always have.
Lady Regalia Chatterby.

1 comment:

  1. It sounds as if you all had a FAB time at Kiama. A big thank you for popping over to make sure that Adam and I could indulge in the amazing cup cakes.
