Sunday, 15 July 2012

Photoshop Course

My fellow CHUMs, I just had to write to tell you all about the two day Photoshop Course that Cheryle and I have undertaken.  It has left us more than a little stunned, but hopefully a little less confused about Photoshop.

Christine, our tutor, certainly earned her money and the number of times she uttered, "Look at Me" in a very officious voice  - well it was too numerous to count.  It was not that we were a disruptive group but Cheryle and I were in consultation about the next step or trying to figure out where that command button was on the screen.  Our biggest problem was that we were both trying to apply what we were being taught onto a different version of CS and I was working with Elements, which I was once told was the same as CS.  Let me tell you it is not!!  Two days later and a headache confirm this.

However despite the confusion with the difference in software; Cheryle and I have left the course with a thirst to learn more and to put into practice some of the things we have been taught.  So we are now armed with our notes, which we are no doubt made sense when we wrote them, but we expect they will cause serious head scratching when we come to do the exercises on our own or with some of our own material.

Christine did give us her phone number and told us to call her at any time should we have a problem - boy I bet she doesn't know what she is letting herself in for!

I know this course may not be everyone's cup of tea but believe me you are all going to see the benefits of it when we start to post some of our work on this blog.

As I was saying you will start to see some of our work.  I did not take the photo; it was supplied by the tutor and we had to improve it.  I have altered the colour of the buildings using Gradient Map and added Clouds to the previously washed out sky.


  1. Mary, you write so well, and so very clever converting the Photoshop into the Elements Program. It was a great weekend and I did enjoy some of the great little hidden gems that can be done to improve or rather enhance, in creative ways, our photos.
    I cant wait to learn it all so it becomes second nature to me.

  2. The photo looks great. Maybe you should put the original up as well.

  3. Wow! I wouldn't have guessed that the sky had been shopped!

  4. Yes there was quite a bit or work done on this photo and Cheryle is right, I should also post the unedited version. I will get round to it.
