Saturday, 21 July 2012


This was a small Red Hat Theatre Event with only two of the CHUMs in attendance,  Delia & I  in our new red hats.  The event was Pippin, a Musical.  It is about a young Prince’s quest to find personal significance and it is narrated by a magician.  The audience follows Pippin through the trials of war, love and politics until he finds himself alone and far away from the wealth and privilege of his royal life. 

A widow, Catherine, finds him and takes him in.  She uses all her charms on him and Pippin falls in love with the widow.  However he finds that this is not enough and Pippin leaves to continue his quest for fulfillment and to find a reason for “being”. 

In the end the Magician tries to convince Pippin to commit suicide but Pippin resists and decides to spend the rest of his life with Catherin and her young son.  However there is a twist, as at the end of the last scene we are left with the impression that Catherine’s young son is drawn into the Magician's power and the whole quest for “being” starts again.

The actors were enthusiastic and put their heart and soul into the performance which made the whole evening a very enjoyable and funny experience.  There were some technical problems at the start of the evening but they soldiered on and made the best of it when the sound system let them down.

All in all it was a great evening filled with humour and lots of belly laughs at the antics of some of the men in very tight tights..  If Delia had her way she would have taken one of the young men home with her.  Or to put it another way; “He can share some toast with me in the morning.”  And this lad did not have camel eyes but at the risk of sound sexist, he did have a lovely body along with very sexy eyes.   The evening left these two CHUMs very animated and excited about seeing future events at this theatre.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the great review on Pippin.
    Looks like a lot of future events will be listed for this theatre group.
    CHUMs first event with the new hats and I had dinner with cousins I hadnt seen in years at Warilla Bowling Club without mine. Couldnt believe one cousin came in wearing red and purple. She isnt in a red hat society group but had actually heard of it unlike the others.We will have to go to Shellharbour Village where she found some great shops for our sort of shopping Mary,lol.
    Perhaps even a CHUMs outing with lunch at the bowling club.
